donderdag 23 juni 2011

Final presentation

Yesterday was our final presentation for our clients. Besides this Blog, Twitter, Facebook and the actual space we made two books. In these books we documented the process of creating [wərkˌsh äp] and the story of [wərkˌsh äp]. For this presentation we chose to do it in [wərkˌsh äp] itself. We explained our process and the set up of the books meanwhile we browsed through the books.

 We want to thank Prontoprint in Duiven for printing the books of [wərkˌsh äp],

Note: there is just one week left to make an appointment to visit [wərkˌsh äp]. Last day is June 29th 2011. If you are interested, please contact us via

donderdag 16 juni 2011

[workshop] - follow up

Two weeks has passed since the opening of [workshop]. We all had really great time. If you're interested in visiting [workshop] and receive guided tour please send us an email: and 0263530910.

Since Tuesday we are busy with the new project - Fashion Odyssey. We are working on it together with students from Berlin and Rochester.

If you're interested in finding out how fashion capital changed its meaning please follow

vrijdag 3 juni 2011

Fashion house of cards: EVENT / ['werk, sh äp] Opening

Fashion house of cards: EVENT / ['werk, sh äp] Opening: "Last Wednesday the Arnhem Mode Biennale kicked of, this entire month Arnhem will fully concentrade on it's fashiontalent with runwayshows, e..."